Monday, March 3, 2008

Diamond Color Grades

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) developed a diamond color grading system in the 1950's. This color grading system is often called the D-to-Z scale and is the mosed widely used diamond color grading system in the world. Topazery's diamonds are graded according to this system.
Colorless diamonds are rare and beautiful stones. Near Colorless diamonds are lovely as well and are popular choices for diamond engagement rings. Faint color, Light color and Very Light color diamonds have a romantic glow like the varying colors of soft candle light. These diamonds are equally beautiful and unique.
Diamond color is a very personal choice!

D E F - Colorless
G H I J - Near colorless
K L M - Faint color
N O P Q R - Very Light color
S T U V W X Y Z - Light color



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